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Divisions Pro Leagues

There are 12 divisions in Pro Leagues

Good luck and remember that it is very important to enjoy even though frustrations and bad streaks may come.


In order, we present from the lowest to the highest division:

Reserve League (Pro Leagues) Gehaul

Reserve League is the lowest division.


Number of participants by national or continental league: unlimited.


Number of groups by national or continental league: unique.


Rating system:


 > Promotions: 50. It is indicated in green in the classification in the position box.

 > Relegations: none.

Core game mode:      

Number of games: 5 daily (35/week).

Best Score

Best Score gehaul
10 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
08 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
06 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
04 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
09 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
07 Division (Pro Leagues)
05 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul
03 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul

10th Division | 9th Division | 8th Division | 7th Division | 6th Division |


5th Division |4th Division | 3rd Division


Number of participants by national or continental league:


100 by every division.

Number of groups by national or continental league:


10 groups of 10 participants each. For each division.

Rating system:


 > Promotions:  5 for each group (50 for each division).

It is indicated in green in the classification in the position box.

> Relegations:  5 for each group (50 for each division).

It is indicated in red in the classification in the position box.

Core game mode

Number of games: 5 daily (35/week).

Best Score

Best Score gehaul
02 Division (Pro Leagues) Gehaul

2nd Division

Number of participants by national or continental league: 100

Number of groups by national or continental league


10 groups of 10 participants each.

Rating system:

 > Promotions:  1 for each group (10 in this division).

It is indicated in green in the classification in the position box.

> Relegations:  5 for each group (50 in this division).

It is indicated in red in the classification in the position box.

Core games mode

Number of games: 5 daily Best Score (35/week). & 2 daily Challenge (14/week).

Best Score

Best Score gehaul


Challenge gehaul
01 Division (Pro Leagues) gehaul

1st Division

Number of participants by national or continental league: 20

Number of groups by national or continental league


2 groups of 10 participants each.

Rating system:

 > Promotions:  1 for each group (2 in this division).

It is indicated in green in the classification in the position box.

> Relegations:  5 for each group (10 in this division).

It is indicated in red in the classification in the position box.

Core games mode

Number of games: 5 daily Best Score (35/week). & 2 daily Challenge (14/week).

Best Score

Best Score gehaul


Challenge gehaul
Pro Elite League (Pro Leagues) gehaul

Pro Elite League (PEL)  is the highest and greatest division

Number of participants by national or continental league: 10

Number of groups by national or continental leagueunique


Rating system:

 > Promotions:  there is no promotion. In this case, there is a league champion.


The first one is marked in gold.

Whoever wins the most leagues in the 50 weeks becomes national/regional champion (will get a special symbol that will wear on the avatar) and qualifies for the World Cup.

> Relegations:  2 for each group (10 in this division).

It is indicated in red in the classification in the position box.

Core games mode

Number of games:


 >  5 daily Best Score (35/week)

 >  2 daily Challenge  (14/week)

 >  Battles: back and forth between everyone. 3 games from 1st to 6th day of the week title competition. 7th day, last one, there aren´t.  (18/week)

Best Score

Best Score gehaul


Challenge gehaul


Battle (Pro Leagues) gehaul
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